We are committed to running a sustainable business to deliver long lasting benefits to our employees, customers, the surrounding community and the environment. We constantly upgrade our manufacturing facilities to increase energy efficiency and minimize our carbon footprint.
Our approach of Safety First is driven by our EHS policy, objectives, action plan and strategies on safety management. Our work practices are in line with the ISO 45001:2018 management system. We reduced our Recordable-Incident-Rate by 70% in year 2018-19 from the previous fiscal year.
Fire safety activities are sustained to protect life and minimize the risk of injury and property damage from fire. Our manufacturing facility has obtained fire NOC from the UP Fire Service, Govt. of UP. All equipments are inspected, maintained, occupied, and operated in compliance with applicable regulations and accepted standards for fire protection and safety.
To give our employees the best possible protection, we have introduced strict directives on health protection, occupational safety and use of personal protective equipment (PPEs). Appropriate and swift response is taken to any incidental occupational diseases or injuries.
We are committed to achieving excellence in conducting environmentally sound practices in the manufacture of flexible packaging. Our EHS objectives on key environmental impacts relate to emissions from our site, use of natural resources, environmental discharge and waste to land fill. We maintain our environment in compliance with all applicable regulations and legislations. Our air quality index (AQI) number is within the satisfactory band used by government agencies. Over two thirds of our premises is covered with lush green flora.
We pay special emphasis on product and process innovation to reduce toxicity, foster recycling of materials, and minimize carbon emissions that are harmful to the Environment. We are steadily moving towards green and clean packaging. As an environmentally conscientious organization, we are mindful of our responsibility towards a sustainable ecosystem and biodiversity.
In addition, our continuous endeavor towards environment consciousness, we stand committed to promote sustainability through various initiatives in the following areas;
- Conservation of natural resources
- Restoration / replenishment and conservation of environment
- Promoting renewal energy sources
- Plantation of trees etc.
- Rainwater harvesting
Natural Resource Conservation and Optimization initiatives taken by us entail sustained engagement in the village of Jalalabad District Ghaziabad, with an overarching aim to build the capacity of the community to conserve and optimize the natural resource base, through carefully planned in-situ and ex-situ rainwater harvesting structures including field bunds and farm ponds that have been built to arrest rain water, organic and inorganic mulching, so to protect soil cover and promote vegetation growth.
Sustainability and Environmental Initiatives
- Reduced our domestic water consumption by 20% in year 2018-19 compared to the previous fiscal year.
- Reduced ground water abstraction for domestic uses by 75% overall since 2011-12.
- Sustained ground water levels at our site by active & passive ground water recharge, through a factory-wide rain water harvesting system.
- Reduced hazardous waste to landfill by 15% in year 2018-19 compared to the previous fiscal year; resulting in a substantial reduction overall in the last few years.
- Sustained status of ‘Zero Liquid discharge’ from our premises.
- Minimized greenhouse gas emissions by meeting 98% of our power requirement with clean energy, which is generated from our captive natural gas power plant.
- Initiative to conserve fuel by installation of heat recovery system.
- Noise level and Ambient Air Monitoring.
- Lush green environment with more than 500 trees.
- Providing a solvent free lamination process for making soap wrapper thus substantially reducing carbon foot print.
- Creating an Eco Friendly (Polyester Free) soap wrapper that is sustainable and recyclable.
Safety Initiatives
- Provision for water curtain outside shop floor to arrest dust and reduce static charge.
- Isolated, underground storage facilities for all inflammable items.
- Architectural and aesthetically pleasing lay-out & floor plan, custom – designed to mitigates risk to fire and other natural hazards.

Phone: +91 11 2331 5613/0953/0974 | +91 11 2335 5809
Fax: +91 11 2331 3522
Factory: 20 Industrial Area, Opposite Mohan Nagar Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh
Head Office: 611 Kailash Building, 26 Kasturba Gandhi Marg New Delhi-110001